In 1943, Hitler knew he was losing the war. Goering and Hitler called a conference of top SS and Gestapo officers, including SS Officer Werner Von Braun, Himmler, General Reinhard Gehlen who was Hitler's Master of Spies on the Russian front. Hitler told the officers to not surrender to the USSR, because they had killed 20 million Soviets, but to surrender to the US, saying that they were not Nazis, but just extremely anti-communist. Russian Jews, who were Mensheviks had fled to Poland after 1917 because Lenin and Trotsky would not let them share power. The US, meanwhile, had severely restricted Polish immigration in 1921 after a Red Scare in the 1920s on May Day and some anarchists here had blown up a bomb on Wall Street, causing a panic. In 1924, the US Congress again severely restricted Polish immigration when about 3,000,000 Polish Jews wanted to immigrate here to the US. Fearing they were communists, the US, in fact, had a fascist/racist element to it (the Aryan Brotherhood) that DW Griffith mentions as early as 1915 in his film, The Birth of a(n Invisible) Nation (the KKK). Kirk Douglas in his book, The Ragman's Son, mentions anti-semitism and pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler sentiment here in the 1930s.
In any case, after the war, Allen Dulles, head of the US intelligence service, hired General Reinhard Gehlen and about 4,000 of his Nazi spies, to work against the USSR, unbeknownst to Truman or Eisenhower. Kennedy had toured Europe with a friend in 1937 and saw German soldiers ready for war. HE wrote the book, Why England Slept, and was assassinated by three ex-Marines hired by the CIA in 1963 after he had signed an Executive Order to pull a unit out of Vietnam and dismantle the CIA. He was angry at the CIA which had told him that Eisenhower had approved of the plan to invade Cuba. Eisenhower later told Kennedy, after the fiasco at Playa Giron (the Bay of Pigs), that he would never have done it without air cover. It is true that Kennedy could not have legally used our Air Force to invade a sovereign nation, but he had had some planes' insignias painted over and told the pilots to remove their US flags from their uniforms.
The Cubans captured one of these planes, scraped off the paint, and published the photo of it all over the earth, showing how this vast country had tried to invade that tiny nation.
Kennedy had a man in Havana, talking to Castro, telling him that Kennedy wanted to drop the blockade and normalize trade, the day he was shot. Within sixty seconds of hearing that Jack Kennedy was going to drop the blockade, Castro heard on the radio that Kennedy had been shot.
LBJ then reversed Kennedy's executive action, which he had signed on air force one, and escalated the troop strength in that illegal, undeclared war in Vietnam.
In Stephen Oates book, Let the Trumpet Sound, he said that Martin Luther King, Jr. called Vietnam a "racist war, where poor whites and blacks who are dying on the same battlefields in Vietnam can't live in the same neighborhoods in Detroit." While we wasted the money, men and resources to kill a million civilians and two million Vietnamese troops, the funds for NASA and the war on poverty dried up here in America. It was "guns or butter" for LBJ, one of the dumbest asses who ever served in the White House. WE planted 58,000 troops in Vietnam, in a country that had helped us get rid of the Japanese in World War Two. Churchill had got Roosevelt to ally with Ho Chi Minh, who had been fighting the French Colonialists before the war, saying, "I'd ally with the devil to get rid of the Japanese, even if he is a communist." After the war, DeGaulle wanted French Indochina back and Churchill, reluctantly, got Truman to give it back. Ho was elected President after the war, with US Marines attending and US planes flying over the inauguration ceremonies.
General Gehlen's army of spies was smuggled over here to Fort Hunt, Virginia and some to Argentina, in U-Boats, which could hold 50 top officers at a time. These mass murderers were wanted in Poland and Russia, many SS and Gestapo who were involved in the Holocaust.
These Nazis said that Truman had "lost China" in 1949, when it became Red China, and that got Truman to go into Korea in 1950 so he would not appear to be "soft on communism".
Jack Warner, a Polish immigrant who tried to make a film in 1933 about DACHAU, said that if you were anti-fascist and pro-Jewish in the 1930s you were accused of being a communist in the 1950s when Joe McCarthy was hunting for communists in the US government.
That fact is that GM had made tanks for the Germans and the engines for one of their fighter bombers (I think it was the JU-88). The capitalists here and in Germany had wanted to take over the world's economic markets, then the Germans got greedy and wanted it all, so we split.
Racism and fascism are tied together. Kennedy wrote the Civil Rights legislation after the Birmingham riots in 1963 where fire hoses were used on children and german shepherds were shown attacking peaceful marchers. Kennedy had been afraid to irritate southern democrats, and remember that Strom Thermond was once a Democrat, then a Dixiecrat, long before he was a Republican. The Republicans nowadays would have been Douglas Democrats in 1861-1865.
And GHW Bush was in charge of the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
Read Mark Lanes book: Plausible Denial: Was the CIA involved in the JFK assassination?
Bugliosi is wrong about Oswald since either Oswald was in the CIA or had a double in the CIA who shot Kennedy. Bugliosi says that "Oswald was incompetent and couldn't have been in the CIA. But Oswald shot Kennedy." Really? Well, if Oswald was so incompetent, then how was he competent enough to shoot Kennedy.
KENNEDY HAD FIRED ALLEN DULLES, and ALLEN DULLES was later on the WARREN COMMISSION report that named Oswald as the lone assassin.
By the way, Richard Nixon, as VP under Ike, had planned to use the Mafia to kill Castro, before invading Cuba. IT was NIXON's Plan that JFK was given by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
General Gehlen had started the Cold War in 1945-1946 by telling us that the Soviets were going to re-invade Poland. In 1947, he told us that the USSR was going to invade Germany.
The USSR was devastated by World Wars I and II. There were towns laid bare with rubble with trees growing up through the rubble, it was so bad. There were millions of people starving during the 1920s there, during the Civil War between the White (Czars) Army and the Red Army.
We depleted our natural resources fighting the Cold War, and forced the Russians to waste their money on arms.
Hitler had a plan to keep fighting the war, in 1943, by creating a famine within the Soviet Union to starve 40,000,000 soviets to death. When General Gehlen landed here in NY, he was handed a check for $200,000,000. He activated an army of spies with the USSR and then went to West Berlin where he headed German Intelligence against the USSR.
We had allied with the USSR to defeat the Nazis. We lost 35,000 men invading Germany at the end of the war. We lost men in Korea that the Nazis coerced Truman into fighting. We allied with every fascist dictatorship after World War Two, including Pinochet, after Nixon had sent $10 million dollars to kill Salvador Allende. 50 top Nazi officers had gone to Argentina in a U-Boat and later fascism, the 4th Reich, had spread to Chile, Brazil and all over south America.
Descendents of some of these Nazis in the CIA went to arab countries where they formed ultra-right wing death squads.
The Israeli Mossad started tracking down Nazi mass murderers in 1951, catching Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. Rumors are (Hitler's Pope) that many Nazis were smuggled out of Europe via the Vatican which had signed a Concordat with Hitler in 1933 to get the German Centre Party off his back. Konrad Adenauer was a Roman Catholic in the Centre Party when Hitler took over. Catholics in Poland did not know about this deal and Polish catholic priests and nuns were sent to concentration camps.
Hitler had told his Nazi officers to be merciless and ruthless in Poland and to kill men, women and children in order to make "living room" for the Germans. Pope Pius XII had told the Italians to support the fascists and millions of German Catholics had joined the Nazi party after the Pope signed the agreement with Hitler. Hitler and Himmler, by the way, were Catholics. Hitler pretended to be a baby-kisser at church baptisms. He built roads and put men to work mining coal and iron ore in Alsace-Lorraine, in order to make steel guns and cannons at Krupp Steel works at Essen. Krupp had educated men at Harvard and Yale here.
Unfortunately, we were betrayed after the war, as we betrayed Russia and Vietnam.
The American people are now suffering. We have sown the wind and are reaping the whirlwind.
We helped Bin Laden fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, now he has a 100 year war against us as we are allied with Israel. Israel does not trust us and has agents operating here illegally with fake passports, collecting sex, drug and money scandals on US Congressmen in order to blackmail them into supporting Israel.
We are getting ready to drop a espionage charges on two Israeli spies who were involved in giving our top secret nuclear policy on Iran to the IAPAC in Washington, DC the day before W Bush was nominated at the Republican Convention in 2004.
GHW Bush is still wanted for war crimes in CUBA for his involvement in masterminding the blowing up of a Cubana airliner leaving Barbados, coming back from the Olympics in 1976. Over seventy people died, including the Cuban fencing team consisting of 34 teenagers.
Ask Sam Donaldson to ask GHW Bush, Sr. about that.
And his role in the JFK assassination in 1961. He denies being in the CIA in 1961, but there were two GHW Bush's in the CIA in 1961, and one was a lowly clerk who couldn't have been in charge.
Kennedy said the Cuban invasion was "the dumbest thing I ever did in my life". I wondered what he was doing in 1961 when he did it, and I was only ten years old.
If he hadn't had done that, and hadn't signed the order to dismantle the CIA, he wouldn't have been shot in broad daylight, with the nation watching.
World War Two never really ended. We are still ignorant of what really happened after it.
All of the propaganda against the Soviets, the U-2 flights, the UFO scares which were based on spying on the soviets with balloons and supersonic camera planes, the wars in Korea, Vietnam and Grenada, the Cuban invasion, all the work of Nazi/fascist infestations.
The skinhead, the Neo-nazis, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, all of the anti-semites and anti-communists here, all of the fascists here, all are responsible, as are all of the racists.
Just as Jews were persecuted in the last World War, now the Palestinians are persecuted.
And the American people, and all of the really innocent peoples on earth, all are suffering from this fanatical overmilitarization of the world.
Obama is wrong, too. Because MY generation, the Baby Boom from WW2, is NOT responsible for the Cold War. It was Robert E. Lee and the rich southern bigots that started the Civil War.
It was Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, Hitler and General Gehlen who led the anti-communist crusade, and the anti-jewish crusade, along with the Nazis and KKK who divided the nation.
Even now, we are suffering from a Lack of Knowledge.
We have no homeland security. We don't even really enforce our traffic laws. There has been a complete breakdown of law and order in the US, as far as everyday enforcement.
We are slaves to our machines, to our automobiles, to our computers and to our TVs and Telephones.
About 40 very well organized international corporations are running the world and decide who eats and who starves to death.
Eisenhower said we did not need a big peacetime military budget.
Ronald Reagan cut the Federal Tax Base for 90% of the Federal Budget in 1981 and then borrowed $4 trillion dollars to finance the biggest peacetime military buildup in world history.
George Washington said to "pay down the debts in peacetime that are incurred during wartime".
The Continental Congress printed up paper money to pay the army that it was raising to fight the British, which was to be backed up by revenues raised from the Federated Colonies.
Washington had 17,000 slaves from his marriage to his wife. South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia would not fight the Brits if he did not let them keep their slaves.
So, the issue was kicked down the road until Lincoln got in office.
With the death of Lincoln ended the hopes of a nation for justice for the blacks here which Jefferson predicted would one day have the vote, although he thought they would never be happy here. The fascists have borrowed us into debt, ruined our economy, and blackened our good name and reputation all over the earth.
As Donald Trump says, "Everyone hates us!" We reap what we sow.
There will be another peak of foreclosures for the Alt-A mortages in 2011. When the Baby Boom hits Social Security age, next year, we will need $54 trillion to finance them at the present generations rates. America will be bankrupt.
This means Hitler won! He beat the USSR and the USA.
And Germany is against borrowing to fix the future.
Meanwhile we are five years from the North Pole cap melting.
Time is short and the waters are rising.
I think we need to start building factories to make:
Highly energy efficient, steel-reinforced concrete dome homes that are guaranteed to withstand hurricanes, forest fires, tornadoes and earthquakes. (See American Ingenuity, Incs. website)
and Remote-Controlled Lawnmowers.
All fifty states, and export the products overseas, while putting millions of people to work here.
It would be green dome homes.
The trend for the future in real estate that Trump is looking for.
I hope this message reaches Joe Biden, Obama, Trump and everyone.
By the way, Iran is not making and does not ever intend to make nuclear weapons.
But if you look up Dimona on UTUBE you will find a virtual tour of Israel's nuclear weapon plant at Dimona. It is based on actual photos that Mordechai Vanunu, now languishing in an Israeli prison since the 1980s took when he worked there.
Fool you once, GHW in 91, shame on you. Fool you twice, W, shame on you, too.
Mossad fooled and fools America.
Google Victor Ostrovsky and find, By Way of Deception/The Other Side of Deception, and read Richard Clarke's book, Against All Enemies for the other half of the story.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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